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How Do I connect my Health Smartwatch 3 with my phone?Updated a year ago

In order to connect your new Health Smartwatch 3 to your phone, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the VeryFit app from the Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iPhone
  2. Turn on the Bluetooth on your phone
  3. Open the VeryFit app
  4. Go to “Device”
  5. Tap “Add a new device”
  6. Tap “Select Device”
  7. Wait for the Health Smartwatch 3 to be discovered (e.g. HEALTH3)
  8. Connect to the Health Smartwatch 3
  9. Accept Pairing request (Choose Pair)

Here's the full video on how to get started with Spade & Co Health Smartwatch 3:

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